Choyce Marketing


Hi! My name is Joyce Chase and my company is Choyce Marketing.

My business name was inspired from my vision; my committment to continue to learn and share with others the healthy "choyces" in our lives, both personally and professionally.

I love the freedom to choose who, what, when, where, why, and how.. I find and sell new products and services and I love to choose how much I will earn!!!

I've been in home businesses before it was a household name. It's been over 24 years and I've represented major companies in the Home Party Plan industry as well as products and services that were unique, new and needed: selling at numerous trade shows and events. "Find the need and fill it" is what I continue to explore.

I have considerable experience in sales, home party plans and marketing that I love to share and to help others succeed. I'm an Entrepreneur and my spirit loves to challenge and create my own opportunities. I encourage you to climb your own mountain and make the "choyces" that are right for you.

I Specialize in Home Based Business Opportunities and Sales & Marketing of new products/services. I support and offer sales/marketing skills to help women develop their own home business. I continue to research to bring the newest products and services across Canada.

  • Do you want to earn more??
    What am I doing right...What could I do differently?

  • Do you want to be in the top 20%?
    (20% of people do 80% of the business -- Learn How!!)

  • Do you have obstacles holding you back from your success?
    Identify them and change it -- if you continue to do what you are doing today, you will continue to have what you have today.

  • What lights you on fire?
    Do what you love.....and Love what you do!
Learn how to $$ave on everything you off your debts...!!! And remember ...what you think about...will come about...

My rates are reasonable. You can hire me as your own personal online coach and receive 10 e-mail sessions for $50.00 (prepaid). Please send your cheque or money order to:

Choyce Marketing
Box 3143
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada T4B 2B4
Telephone: (403) 948-7573
Fax: (403) 948-7977

I look forward to hearing from you!

Your Name:
Business Name (if you currently have one):
Type of Business:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
What type of business are you interested in?
Do you have an idea you'd like to develop?
Are you able to invest some capital in developing this business?
Are you interested in a network marketing business?
Do you need support/ideas as a new home based business owner?
Tell me more about your goals and ideas:

Thank you.

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