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Business Opportunity from Germany

Colony Hotel, Toronto, Ontario - October 5th and 6th, 1998

On October 4th, the German Canadian Chamber of Commerce will host a group of German companies seeking to introduce themselves to potential distributors and partners in North America. There's nothing new about gatherings of this kind, but there is something unusual about this group. They are all from the former East Germany. Many of these companies are centuries old and are newly re-privatized since reunification in 1991.

They include makers of porcelain figurines, chocolates, children's toys, environmentally friendly bath formulations and other products. For companies such as Sitzendorfer Porzellannanufaktur, (porcelain manufacturer located in Sitzendorf) it is the resumption of a tradition dating back to 1760.

For Dresdner Essenz, a manufacturer of herbal bath powders and liquids originally established in 1910, their products surfaced briefly during the 1980 Moscow Olympics as showpieces to foreign visitors.

There are a total of eighteen companies in the group; six could be categorized as offering cosmetic/beauty products, three in collectibles/gifts, three in household cleaning, three in specialty foods, three in linen/textiles, one in educational toys and one manufacturer of custom spiral stairways. Two companies are included in more than one category.

The group will gather at the Toronto Colony Hotel on Tuesday, October 6th, at 7 p.m. or you can meet them on Monday, October 5th, and Tuesday, October 6th, during the day. Journalists and business people interested in meeting principals of any of these companies are invited to this reception.

The Canadian German Chamber of Industry & Commerce also plans to publish a list of potential Canadian business partners (e.g. importers, distributors, retail chains, agents, manufacturers and wholesalers) for distribution throughout Germany. There is no charge for Canadian companies to be listed in this publication.

Please visit the Canadian German Chamber of Industry & Commerce Inc. to view the companies and products participating in this project.

For further information or arrangements for individual introductions,please contact:

Canadian German Chamber of Industry & Commerce Inc.
Janina Harnack & Christopher Offe
Consulting Services 480 University Ave., Suite 1410
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1V2
Phone : (416) 598-3355 ext. 22/29
Fax: (416) 598-1840
E-mail: [email protected]

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