Businesses for Sale

The Website That Comes To You.
by Nancy Bargine
1-2-3 Promote!

Here are some ideas to help you get "well positioned" on the Web. To increase exposure, despite a poor search engine standing, consider a reselling program. Offering partners 10 to 20% commission for successful leads is often enough to encourage others (associated with your target market) to link to you.

Though it may not return huge results at first, this posture will, over time, compete with the best of them. In less than a year, sites handing links out usually qualify as "the most linked to site" (dubbed the "link popularity factor") by HotBot, Lycos and WebCrawler. Gaining speed with every link made, you'll soon find yourself at the forefront of your market's eyes.

There are a number of ways to "share value" with partners. Following are three innovative reseller models:

  1. BRAINWARE is expanding their markets with traditional, territorial marketing contracts. Regional distributors pay a one-time fee for the right to promote the Website, earning 25% on all sales. Brainware processes the credit card orders online, ships directly to the customer and handles all customer service.

  2. IBM is experimenting with direct sales. Currently, they pay salespeople for sales closed in their territories, whether or not the sale was made over the Web. Using a TeamPlayer system, resellers register customers with IBM who markets to them, paying commissions whenever customers buy. This form of direct sales is expensive, and may only be useful for high ticket/high mark-up items, but it does make for happy salespeople and resellers.

  3. The Website That Comes To You: Add portability to all or part of your Website along with a great reason to want-need-have it (commissions, tools, gifts or service) and you've got a product or gift to sell or give away.

    Click on this java-related text link and a smaller-than email window appears without leaving the link location. Loading quickly because of its size, the Tourbag sells Website Kits for Inns. Though a sub-window of its parent, it is a complete Website -- touting three slideshows, product details, secure sales, newsletter and reseller info. Handed out via email for easy linking, the Tourbag will message any number of people when partnering sales occur -- enabling sales (and resellers) worldwide.

Push vs. Pull: Lots of keyword-savvy content and tactically superior metatags pull search engine traffic (a tall and ever challenging order for any website). With their ability to buy TV commercials, ad space and marriage-deals, larger firms practically buy website patronage. Enter stage-left, an equally competitive, far more affordable plan: with commissions and gifts built-in, partnering sites (and the websites that come to them) can become the exponential and pulling part of any marketing plan.

�1999 by Nancy Bargine. All rights reserved.

Nancy Bargine is an Internet Marketing Specialist who develops high quality web site promotional tools. Visit her web site at 1-2-3 Promote! or email her at [email protected]

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