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5 Steps to Creating Your Ideal Lifestyle

by Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, Personal Excellence Mentor and Pioneer Brainwave Researcher
Are you satisfied with your lifestyle?
5 simple steps to creating a better lifestyle:
It"s not always easy to achieve the lifestyle you desire. Many things can stand in your way.
There are 5 time-tested techniques that will help you create the lifestyle you long for. These techniques are not necessarily "easy." In fact, procrastination is probably far "easier." But they are time-tested, and are among the proven tools of all super successful people.
- Know Exactly What You Want
I often have mentoring clients come to me stating they want "a better" lifestyle, or a "more successful" business. My first job is to ask them exactly what they mean by a "better lifestyle," or a "more successful business."
What does "better" or "more successful" really mean to you? Try to be specific on what that "better" lifestyle will look like. What financial status will you need to create that lifestyle?
Does it mean you will need more money � or less money? How or where do you see yourself earning that money?
Or does your desired "better lifestyle" have nothing to do with financial considerations? Does it rather relate to your family time or relationships? Or do you have plenty of money, but wish to free yourself to work from home, or continue your education, or ???
And if your desire is for a "more successful" business, what specifically would that look like? Are you thinking in terms of simply hiring someone else to give you more free time? Or are you looking for a very specific monthly profit, or a definite long-term goal?
Regardless of what you want, the best way to get it is to first clarify exactly what you want in as much detail as possible. This is hard work, but what you need to do is develop a clearly stated and attainable goal. If you don"t, how will you ever know if you"re moving closer to that goal?
- Be Willing to Pay the "Entry Fee"
Any worthwhile goal takes dedicated planning and effort over time. In a way it"s like building a house. In the beginning all you have is a set of blueprints.
Then you develop the lot and start on the house. But it goes slow at first. Can you visualize your house when the only thing that"s finished is the foundation? Unlikely!
The same is true of creating a better lifestyle or a more successful business. You"ll have to pay the "entry fee" in terms of your own investment of "vision, blood, sweat and tears." And most of all, you"ll have to keep your effort going even when you don"t see any immediate results.
And here"s something many of us tend to forget: If you want something more than you have today � that will usually require that you say "NO" to other things.
Creating more success in your business may mean less recreational time. Writing your own book may require less TV. Being closer with your children may require adjusting your work or social activities.
- Focus on Your Goal Every Day
I"m sure that you probably want to achieve your goal as fast as possible. And why not? So � it"s important to maintain your focus on what you are creating.Why focus?
Focus is critical to "burning in" the new neural pathways you need to create that "something new" you want in your life or business. Otherwise you"ll simply fall back into the neural pathways holding the old habits that you"re trying to overcome.
Recommit to your goals every day. Don"t let your goals take a back seat to the daily tasks and distractions that will try to take over. Life will likely try to "get in your way." Just get, and stay, on course every day.
- Get Passionate
One of the most powerful tools in your "mental tool box" is passion. Why passion? Because intense passionate desire for something helps you burn in those new neural pathways even faster.
PLUS (and this is really a big plus), intense passion will also help you override any inappropriate old "failure messages" stored in your subconscious mind.
- Take Action
In many ways, actually taking action can be the most difficult step. But just waiting for that spectacular "big moment" when your business or life suddenly becomes "more successful" rarely works.Truly successful change is built with one small action after another.
If you commit to take at least one small action each day, your actions WILL pile up and make a difference. So avoid sitting back waiting for that "big second" when everything will magically "just happen."
You CAN create whatever you want in life. The secret is to determine exactly what you want, then pursue it passionately. And remember -- in the end, only action counts! You have to "just do it!"
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