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Four Ways to Profit from America's Most Affordable Advertising Tool

by Jerome Chapman

Every experienced business owner can tell you about advertising that didn't work. They put up a lot of cash, placed their ads or commercials, and nobody seemed to notice.

When ads don't work it is usually because they aren't being seen by the right people or because ad prices are so high you can't afford to place enough to do any good.

Ezines or email newsletters solve both problems. Most ezines are tightly targeted to a specific group of readers. Ezine ads are also one of the most inexpensive forms of advertising available.
  1. Be Tightly Targetted - Be careful to choose ezines that reach people who are likely to be good customers. Your ad for a business opportunity will do better in an ezine about starting Internet businesses than it will in a newsletter about athletics.

  2. Have Patience - You probably won't get big response with your first ad. Repeat your ad over and over to get into the heads of the ezine's readers. Customers must first notice your ad, then think about it before they will make a purchase. This takes time, sometimes six weeks or more.

  3. Be Customer Centered - Give your ad a two or three word headline in ALL CAPS. It should point out a problem the reader has or a benefit readers would like to get.

  4. Include a Website - Although websites aren't essential to doing business on the Internet, most readers want to be able to click to a site for more information. Make sure the opening page of your website prominently displays information that backs up your ezine ad.

    Customers hate it when they find an interesting ad, but the website tries to sell them something else. Usually it is just an oversight on the part of the business, but lots of customers feel like they've been duped.

Email is the Internet's most popular feature. As more and more people worldwide get online to buy and do business, ezine ads will become an increasingly important part of your success.

�2000 by Jerome Chapman. All rights reserved.

About the Author:
Jerome Chapman is an expert on marketing with ezines and on the Internet. See his collection of powerful tips and Internet promotion tools at
Reach him at [email protected]

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