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Tips to Entice Online Visitors to Meet You Offline

by Lisa Kryder

You can still draw people from your own physical neighborhood into your business by creating a Web site. This five tips will help you do it:
  1. Make sure you include your phone number and invite those you meet online to call you. Sometimes, that two-way spoken conversation is the easiest, fastest way to clarify questions and explain processes. Just as your Web site is part of your marketing mix, so is your phone number still part of your communication mix.

  2. Always include your physical address in your signature line when you send e-mails and on your home page. You never know; interested buyers could drop in to check you out for real. Make it easy for them to do so.

  3. Take every online opportunity to arrange meetings offline at conferences. Your online correspondence can easily set up the details of where and when to meet at the gathering coming up.

  4. People want to do business with companies that have a track record. If you opened your online storefront yesterday, you have a challenge to build confidence and credibility. In fact, visitors may assume you're a disappearing operation. So be sure to state on your home page when your business was established. That goes a long way to establishing trust among customers and prospects.

  5. Take every opportunity to promote your physical store when you ship orders and send invoices. Include a catalog or flyer of your products and services to entice buyers to stop by and see for themselves.

Get creative. Make every communication count to build your company's reputation, both online and off!

� Lisa Kryder, All rights reserved.

Lisa Kryder is the owner of, "Netting Profit Through Internet Marketing." You can reach Lisa by sending e-mail to [email protected]. or by visiting their web site at You can also reach her at 303-286-8342 (Office) or 303-286-2615 (Fax).

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