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General Tips When Cross Border Business Travelling

by Joan Kulmala, Image Coach
Totally-U Image Communications

  • Carry proof of your citizenship (passport, driver's license or birth certificate). It is important that one of these documents contains your recent photograph. You may be asked to produce a photo identification, particularly if you are using electronic ticket.

  • A letter/contract of invitation to do business in United States/Canada is also a document that you must carry with you at all times.

  • Make sure you have the appropriate medical and travel insurance that extends into the United States/Canada or other country that you will be traveling to. This coverage should begin on the day you leave and include the date that you will return.

  • Carry these important papers (passport/birth certificate, driver's license, airline tickets, insurance/ medical cards, letter/contract of invitation and currency).

  • ** leave original copies of travel insurance at home with a relative/friend.

  • All baggage, including carry-on baggage, should be tagged properly with your full name, address and phone number. You may choose to lock each piece of luggage.

  • Remember to put your keys in a safe place (other than in your suitcase - extra key can be given to your traveling partner or kept separate from the other key ).

  • Just in case your luggage is misplaced or lost, I advise you to include basic toiletries (make-up, tooth paste & brush etc.), bathing suit, underwear & night attire in your carry-on luggage.

  • It is recommended that you confirm your flight time with the airport prior to arriving (in case there is a delay).

  • Arrive at the airport at least one hour before departure -- some airlines require two hour pre-check in. It is best to check with your carrier or booking agent.

  • Check your luggage and then relax and wait for your departure time. While you wait, a good book or magazine might help to pass the time.

  • If you have items to declare (camera, marketing items, computer etc.) fill out the appropriate documentation before you leave the country.

  • Pre-clearance forms are available upon request at airport or from your travel agent.

  • Fill out forms and submit before you board your flight.

  • If you are attending a conference/seminar or trade show, it is very important that you are prepared fully to market you and your products/services. Be prepared to work and learn!

  • Predetermine which seminars you would like to attend. Check their schedules and be there on time.

  • Business cards, brochures and samples of your products and services are all very important. Make sure you have enough of your marketing tools with you or ship materials well in advance of event. Just to make sure all has safely arrived, I suggest that you confirm the delivery of your products before you leave home.

  • Dress appropriately for business. It is very important that you wear comfortable shoes. Check weather conditions in advance to determine type of wardrobe to include.

  • First impressions are very important. Each person will be ambassadors for their respective community and business, therefore it is important that individuals conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Remember, you cannot take back your first impression.

�1999 by Joan Kulmala. All rights reserved.

"Remember, Have Voice Will Travel, it's my opportunity to share the Totally You Experience"

Joan Kulmala - Image Communicator
Email: [email protected]
Web site:
Tel/Fax/ 1-807-683-8855

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