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The Millennium of the Woman
by Judy Larsen
Dynamic Space Design
Can history propel you into the new millennium? The power of the ancient practice of Feng Shui will have new importance in the future, especially as women become more and more involved in creating the future, and awareness of this practice that was historically utilized mainly by men.
Feng Shui is the study of how the environment in which we work and live influences our well being, prosperity, and success. Pronounced "fung shuway," it has been translated to mean "wind and water", or in modern times, "movement and flow." The practice of Feng Shui, when applied to a work environment, can increase prosperity, success, as well as create harmony and reduce stress.
Feng Shui secrets were kept hidden and closely guarded by the ancient Masters, sages, and elite of China for centuries. The knowledge was believed to be too powerful for just anyone. Now the secrets have been revealed, and it is often women who are using this wonderful science and art to create harmonious and powerful vital environments.
People often ask, "How was work today?" Too frequently the response is negative. If it was a difficult day, many times employees speak of stress, lack of energy, and depression. How does your work place feel? Do you often leave work with headaches? Do you have trouble concentrating? Do you or your colleagues make frequent mistakes? Are you full of energy and ready to start the work day or are you exhausted before you start?
Your work environment could be contributing to your stress level. A well-balanced environment will enhance employee productivity. Women who work in insensitive, unbalanced, and unhealthy environments are less likely to be productive and will carry the stress home with them.
The practice of Feng Shui guides and assists companies and individuals by removing the blockages and negative influences in the work place, stimulating the atmosphere and encouraging communication, compatibility, productiveness, and healthy living.
It is believed that an invisible energy source exists called Qi or life's breath. This energy must flow smoothly throughout an environment for individuals and companies alike to benefit. Certain elements in our environment hinder, block, or diminish this vital Qi energy. Using this ancient knowledge will improve productivity, prosperity, and may be as easy to begin as removing the clutter from your desk, or relocating the waste paper basket. A complete Feng Shui consultation will locate distinctive life energies and harness them.
How can Feng Shui help? Here are a few simple Feng Shui workplace tips:
- Clutter
If you have trouble thinking straight, chances are you're a person who tends to clutter. The easiest way to begin to harness the power of Feng Shui is to reduce and remove clutter.
Begin with this simple exercise. When you lose your thoughts in mid-sentence, draw a circle in the air. Draw the circle in a clockwise manner. Do this several times until you can bring your mind back to the thought(s). This technique of concentrating will assist you in refocusing.
You can then begin to tidy your work area; just spending 15 minutes at a time on one drawer or pile of papers. When you go through each piece of paper, you symbolically regain control over your cluttered life. Stagnant energy associated with clutter can weigh you down and hold you back from accomplishing your goals.
First sort, then throw away, then re-organize the items that you need to keep. Opportunities will begin to open up when the environment is free, clean and clear. Both physically and psychologically, a shift begins to take place, allowing you access to life's abundance and possibilities.
- Desk Placement
When you sit with a doorway or a window to your back, you create a subconscious feeling of vulnerability. In addition, if you sit in the direct path of a door, you are being overpowered by the flow of energy into that space. The rule, when practicing Feng Shui is to place your desk in a power position. Place your desk as far from the door as possible with a view of the room, and of the door. Do not sit with your back to a door or a window; this position symbolic of having no protection, and will make you anxious.
- Life Energy
By including life force in your work environment you stimulate vital Qi energy. This will lift up your own energy and create a healthier work place. Introduce plants, especially live ones, into your work area. Water energy will also stimulate the flow of money into an environment. Obtain a small desk fountain or an aquarium to create the movement. If this is not possible, a waterfall poster can do the trick.
Companies are beginning to utilize the skills of trained professional Feng Shui consultants. 80% of business failure can be attributed to the lack of Feng Shui in the environment. Banks and investment companies, retail stores, trucking companies, and even home offices have impressive results when applying the power of Feng Shui to their environments.
Judy Larsen is a Feng Shui consultant and teacher who specializes in business environments. She consults for business and residential properties internationally including; logo, business card, and letter head design.
Judy has trained in China, Germany, Switzerland and in the United States under the guidance of several Feng Shui Masters. She teaches the basic principles of Feng Shui at four colleges in Ontario and at Western University.
Private seminars and Feng Shui workshops are available to companies and organizations, with specific Feng Shui guidance, to encourage harmony and peace, and to increase productivity in the work environment. She can be reached at 705-734-0539, email [email protected] or visit Judy on the web: