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5 Tips to Increase Your Chances of Actually Achieving Your New Year's Resolutions

by Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD
Founder and President of Vickie Milazzo Institute

Even in January, more and more people forget about the well-meaning resolutions they made on New Year's to improve their lives. Here are five tips from my new book, Inside Every Woman, Using the 10 Strengths You Didn't Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now, to turn resolution road kill into a thing of the past. 1. Stop being a commitment queen. Eliminate one or two items from your busy schedule to free up time to pursue your passionate interests. Which will they be? 2. Do something even if it's wrong. Ninety percent of success is showing up. Whether you're selling an idea, trying to land a new client or learning how to paint, the point is, you have to show up. What idea will you pursue this year? 3. Plan for growth. In life, as in business, when you neglect growth, the passion inside you cools. Plan not only for a bigger house or an updated vehicle, but for inner growth. Try to reinvent yourself on a regular basis. You don't want to wake up five years from now and greet the same person in the mirror. You want to see a new person who has transcended former boundaries. 4. Challenge your obstacles. Let go of the notion that you don't have enough time, energy, money or discipline to do what it takes to succeed. When you challenge that thought you will magically make more things happen. 5. Stick with it and endure. Many people who fail in reaching their goals simply turn back too soon. The path is long and the terrain is tough. When your endurance is tested and you're tempted to give up, remember this: You will miss not only the gold at the end of the rainbow, but also a wealth of other treats along the way. Here's wishing you a Happy New You. And remember: We are women and we can do anything!

� 2006 Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD

Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn't Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now
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Inc. Top 10 Entrepreneur Vickie L. Milazzo, RN, MSN, JD is the founder and president of Vickie Milazzo Institute. She is credited by The New York Times with creating the legal nurse consulting profession in 1982. She is the recipient of the Nursing Excellence Award for Advancing the Profession and the Stevie Award (business's Oscar�) as Mentor of the Year.

Vickie has revolutionized the careers of thousands of RNs. She is the author of Inside Every Woman: Using the 10 Strengths You Didn't Know You Had to Get the Career and Life You Want Now, coming March 2006 from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Preorder this anticipated bestseller now at or

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